Do you want to find out more about a Web site? Take these steps:
1. When was the Web page or site last updated or modified?
Open the page in your Web browser and type the following into the address bar: javascript:alertdocument.lastModified)
2. Who owns the domain name of the Web site? The answer will tell you who is responsible and help you determine bias.
Go to one of these sites and type in the domain name and extension (don’t include anything after the .com, .org, .edu, etc…):
3. What Web sites link to this particular site? You can use the link-back technique to find out if a reputable organization links to the site, which may indicate whether you can trust the site. If there are several biased Web sites linked to the site you are evaluating, it may indicate that the site has a similar bias.
Go to Google (or another search engine) and type the following into the search box:
link:http://[insert the webpageURL here without the brackets]