When researching on the Internet, carefully evaluate each web site to determine whether the information is reliable. Use one of these lists of questions to evaluate whether a web site is a good source of information:
Evaluating Web Pages – UC Berkeley Library
Five Criteria for Evaluating Web Pages – Cornell University Library
CLICK HERE for 3 TRICKS you can use to find out more about a web site!
Some web sites may look like professional, well-documented sources of information at first glance; but when you look carefully, you will notice that things are not always as they seem. For every web site you evaluate, use the 3 TRICKS mentioned above and answer the questions from one of the in-depth lists, and you will start to look at the Internet with a more critical eye.
Visit these web sites and try to figure out which TWO are the accurate and reliable sources of information:
Case Analysis of a Historic Toronado
Boilerplate: Mechanical Marvel of the Nineteenth Century
Dominion of British West Florida
The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
Not only can written information be false, but so can visual information such as photographs. Digital photographs/files can easily be modified. Look at these sites to see how altered images affect your perception of reality.
Photographic Truth in the Digital Era